If you would like to volunteer at Big Lake as a nurse, social worker, doctor, boat driver, RAD support volunteer, or other volunteer role we have openings for positions during the summer months as well as for our fall Outdoor School and winter Outdoor School. To know what particular opportunities we have currently, you can contact our office with specific questions.
Here are the steps to complete:
1 – Fill out our Volunteer Application.
2 – Read the instructions and complete our online Background Check HERE. Please note there is a separate Background Check form if you are a minor, as well as a Minor Consent Form.
3 – Complete the Adult Medical Form, or the Minor Medical Form if you are under the age of 18. Please make sure to have these forms filled out and submitted two weeks before your intended arrival.
4 – Check out our packing list if you are coming to volunteer for one of our Outdoor School times. We wouldn’t want you forgetting something important!
Volunteer Info Form
Parental Consent for Volunteer Minors