We are so appreciative of the support we have received from campers, former staff, families, and groups such as Maranatha over the years. Thank you for caring about Big Lake. Your giving spirit has allowed us to continue to make a positive impact in this world by expressing the love of Jesus to all those who visit our campus.

Big Lake Youth Camp has served as an outdoor sanctuary for summer campers and retreat attendees for the last 54 years. However, our location near Sisters, Oregon means harsh winters. The large amount of snow and rain we get each winter takes a severe toll on our buildings, and has left a number of them in need of repairs and updates.

Over the last few years, Maranatha International and their volunteers have completed several projects. Five buildings in Girls’ Village have been rebuilt, each including two 14-bed cabins. They also widened the hallway/dish return area in the lodge to allow for better flow into the cafeteria. New floors and lighting have also been added to four existing cabins.

 The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) passes right by Big Lake’s property, and volunteers have helped renovate a cabin that now serves as a welcome center and resting point for PCT hikers. An older cabin has also been remodeled into the new clinic–it’s well-sealed, climate-controlled, and has more privacy for treatment.

Interested in volunteering with Maranatha?

Help Big Lake Youth Camp complete the projects listed above by signing up with Maranatha International.